Pagi ni syu jadi MC untuk 2nd Surveillance Audit kat tempat kerja. So, as personal record and reference sesiapa yang nak, as below:
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil A'lamin, Wassola Tuwassalam Mu'ala Asyrafil Anbia Iwal Mursalin, Wa'ala Alihi Wasohbihi Ajma'in.
Ladies and Gentleman,
Let us open our program today by reciting Ummul Kitab, Al- Fatihah...
Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to,
Dato ............, Auditor from ..........,
Alhamdulillah, first of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah swt because of His blessings, we are able to come here, for the 2nd Surveillance .................... by ..................... for ........................
Before we go further, I would like to invite ............................, LAN Lecturer to recite the Doa.
Thank you .................
Ladies and Gentleman,
For the next agenda, I would like to invite ..................., Principal of ........................ for her welcoming speech and presentation.
Thank you ................
Next, I would like to invite Dato ..................... for his speech and briefing.
Thank you ................ for your great experiences sharing and briefing regarding the audit today.
Well, Ladies and Gentleman,
That's all our agenda for this morning session. I hope that today 2nd Surveillance Audit will go smoothly and the aim for today will be achieved.
For the next, please forgive us if there is any mistakes, thanks for the attention and
Wabillahi Taufiq Walhidayah, Wassalam Mu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Before we proceed to the auditing process, I would like to invite our guests .................., ......................., Puan .............., En ................... for the morning refreshment.
Ahaaaa............ ok tak? Mungkin ada grammar mistakes ke, pandai- pandailah nak ubah ke, nak tambah ke... Hari ni first time laa jadi MC cakap omputeh.
C-ya! ;)
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